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Northwest Stories

Franken Hall


Entrance to Franken Hall


Franken Hall
Franken Hall
Franken Hall was created to accommodate increasing student numbers in the 1960s. The result was two high-rise dormitories with seven stories built and ready by the fall of 1966. Franken Hall is the closest high rise to the center of campus.

Franken Hall is named after Katherine Franken. Franken was part of the the education department from 1921 until 1953. Franken and her sister Margaret Franken helped organize and sponsor the Newman Club. The Newman Club House was opened in 1924 on Third Street with the sisters in charge.

Franken Hall was renovated with a refreshed look in fall 2018. As a Freshman-Learning Center, Franken Hall has a smaller staff-to-resident ratio and extra academic and computing assistance. Franken Hall is also a Bearcat Living Community. The initiative promotes academic and social support for first-year students and cultivates community among the residents.

“I remember a 12-inch snowfall in 1978 that cancelled classes for the day, not because most students couldn’t have made it to class, but because many of the professors lived outside of Maryville and it was virtually impossible for them to drive to the campus. I also remember the students in my dorm, Franken Hall, erupting in loud, spontaneous shrieks of joy upon learning that there would be no classes that day. Some went back to bed no doubt, but some of us took advantage of the day off to play in the snow. It was a pleasant reminder of our childhood days … a blast from the past as they say!”
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