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Northwest Stories

Forest Village Apartments


Sand Volleyball Court at Forest Village Apartments


Entrance to Community Building in Forest Village Apartments


Entrance to Hawthron


Entrance to Willow


Entrance to Sycamore


Forest Village Apartments
Forest Village Apartments were completed in 2004 and are located on the north side of Centennial Drive and include a community building providing lounges and meeting facilities for apartment residents, a convenience store, mailboxes and residential life staff offices.

Hawthorne, Willow, and Sycamore are some of the oldest residential halls on campus, and do not have elevators, but they are nice buildings with good views of the fields north of campus. These buildings share a community building between them, where they can pick up their mail, make food in the kitchen, or hang out in an area boasting whiteboards and comfortable seating.
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Residence Halls

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